
Hey there, I’m Jayne Doe. I’m a Filmmaker working and living in New York City.

Born and raised in Northern Florida, like many of us I discovered my passion later in life. After spending the first 28 years of my life in Florida I decided to move to New York City to ascend my career in Corporate America, however life had other plans. I’m a Creative, camouflaged in Corporate America. During a low period of feeling misplaced and vulnerable something amazing happened! While on a random shopping trip in East Harlem I was approached by a total stranger who encouraged me to express myself creatively. On 9/3/2016 my life changed, I began expressing through writing which manifested into storytelling. These stories I’ve held in my mind, these fantasy worlds since I was kid… NOW MADE SENSE! I wasn’t bizarre for having such a wild, vivid imagination. I was born to be a storyteller. It was the first time I felt like I was doing what I loved instead of doing what was “right” or what everyone expected. 

So why Janye Doe? The concept came about during a writing session where one of the characters was inspired by a family member. I didn’t know it at the time but I needed to interview her. I’d known this woman my entire life and realized I DIDNT KNOW HER at all! I was intrigued and saw this person in a different light. Then one idea lead to another… I wanted to know more about everyone, true, false or otherwise. I wanted to share these stories and these interesting people with anyone who would listen and share my imagination with anyone who was interested. Everyone has a story, until they’re discovered we will all remain Jayne Doe(s).

“Breathing life into untold stories”